Lonesome Crow (1972) - 6,5
Fly to the Rainbow (1974) - 7
In Trance (1975) - 7,5
Virgin Killer (1976) - 7,5
Taken by Force (1977) - 7
Lovedrive (1979) - 7,5
Animal Magnetism (1980) - 7
Blackout (1982) - 8
Love at First Sting (1984) - 7
Savage Amusement (1988) - 6,5
Crazy World (1990) - 6,5
Face the Heat (1993) - 6
Pure Instinct (1996) - 6
Eye II Eye (1999) - ?
Unbreakable (2004) - 6,5
Humanity: Hour I (2007) - ?
Sting in the Tail (2010) - ?
Return to Forever (2015) - ?
Rock Believer (2022) - ?
5 любимых альбомов:
- Blackout (1982)
- Lovedrive (1979
- In Trance (1975)
- Virgin Killer (1976)
- Animal Magnetism (1980)