Los Lobos
Si Se Puede! (1976) - ?
Los Lobos del Este de Los Angeles (1978) - 7
How Will the Wolf Survive? (1984) - 8
By the Light of the Moon (1987) - 7,5
La Pistola y El Corazon (1988) - 7
The Neighborhood (1990) - 8
Kiko (1992) - 8
Papa's Dream (1995, with Lalo Guerrero) - ?
Colossal Head (1996) - 7,5
This Time (1999) - 8
Good Morning Aztlan (2002) - 7,5
The Ride (2004) - 8
The Town and the City (2006) - 7,5
Los Lobos Goes Disney (2009) - 7
Tin Can Trust (2010) - 7,5
Gates of Gold (2015) - ?
5 любимых альбомов:
- How Will the Wolf Survive? (1984)
- The Neighborhood (1990)
- The Ride (2004)
- Kiko (1992)
- This Time (1999)
Худший: Los Lobos Goes Disney (2009)
Недооцененный: This Time (1999)
Переоцененный: La Pistola y El Corazon (1988)