1. Bring Me the Horizon - That's the Spirit
  2. Clutch - Psychic Warfare
  3. The Dead Weather - Dodge and Burn
  4. A Place To Bury Strangers - Transfixiation
  5. Deafheaven - New Bermuda
  6. Locrian - Infinite Dissolution
  7. Sadist - Hyaena
  8. Bell Witch - Four Phantoms
  9. Kylesa - Exhausting Fire
  10. Tau Cross - Tau Cross
  11. Rival Sons - Great Western Valkyrie
  12. Torche - Restarter
  13. Shining - International Blackjazz Society
  14. The Sword - High Country
  15. Eagles Of Death Metal - Zipper Down
  16. Krallice - Ygg Huur
  17. Mgla - Exercises in Futility
  18. Walter Trout - Battle Scars
  19. August Burns Red - Found in Far Away Places
  20. Baroness - Purple
  21. Napalm Death - Apex Predator – Easy Meat
  22. Arcturus - Arcturian
  23. Halestorm - Into the Wild Life
  24. Oomph! - XXV
  25. Puscifer - Money Shot
  26. Horrendous - Anareta
  27. Blackberry Smoke - Holding All the Roses
  28. The Black Dahlia Murder - Abysmal
  29. Tribulation - The Children Of The Night
  30. Enter Shikari - The Mindsweep
  31. Paradise Lost - The Plague Within
  32. Cattle Decapitation - The Anthropocene Extinction
  33. Deathproof - Set To Smash
  34. Thunder - Wonder Days
  35. Sunn O))) - Kannon
  36. Nile - What Should Not Be Unearthed
  37. Rolo Tomassi - Grievances
  38. Therapy? - Disquiet
  39. Minority Sound - Drowner's Dance
  40. The Winery Dogs - Hot Streak
  41. Leslie West - Soundcheck
  42. Motorhead - Bad Magic
  43. Mutoid Man - Bleeder
  44. My Dying Bride - Feel The Misery
  45. Symphony X - Underworld
  46. Leviathan - Scar Sighted
  47. High on Fire - Luminiferous
  48. Stray From The Path - Subliminal Criminals
  49. The Sheepdogs - Future Nostalgia
  50. UFO - A Conspiracy of Stars
  51. Ghost - Meliora
  52. Martin Turner - Written in the Stars
  53. The Body and Thou - You, Whom I Have Always Hated plus Released From Love
  54. Bachman (Randy Bachman) - Heavy Blues
  55. The Heavy Eyes - He Dreams of Lions
  56. Agnostic Front - The American Dream Died
  57. Black Star Riders - The Killer Instinct
  58. Necrowretch - With Serpents Scourge

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